Temporomandibular joint problems (CMD)

The treatment of cranio-mandibular dysfunction (CMD) or temporomandibular joint problems is useful when patients suffer from a variety of symptoms that indicate disorders in the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory apparatus.

Symptoms and causes of cranio-mandibular dysfunction (CMD)

The most common symptoms of cranio-mandibular dysfunction (CMD) include

  • Pain in the area of the temporomandibular joint, facial pain or headaches that can worsen, especially when chewing or speaking
  • Restricted mouth opening or difficulty opening and closing the mouth
  • Cracking or rubbing in the temporomandibular joint during movement of the lower jaw
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or a feeling of pressure or congestion in the ear
  • Tension in the neck and shoulder area.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching, especially during sleep
  • Dizziness or problems with balance

If you notice one or more of these symptoms, functional diagnostics and therapy may be considered. We identify the problems and draw up a treatment plan.

What does the treatment of cranio-mandibular dysfunction look like?

The treatment of CMD usually begins with a detailed examination and diagnosis, during which various diagnostic procedures are used. This includes a detailed medical history, clinical examinations, X-rays and possibly also special imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of the diagnosis is to identify the cause of the temporomandibular joint problems.

After diagnosis, a personalised treatment plan is drawn up. The treatment can comprise several components:

  • The fitting of a bite splint (splint therapy) or a custom-made dental splint to relieve the jaw and protect the teeth from further wear and tear
  • Physiotherapy and manual therapy to relieve muscle tension and improve the mobility of the temporomandibular joint
  • In the case of a malocclusion, orthodontic treatment can be useful
  • Educating and advising patients on behavioural changes, such as avoiding jaw grinding and stress-related habits

In some cases, medication or injections into the temporomandibular joint may be necessary to reduce inflammation.

In severe cases, surgical intervention may be considered.
The treatment is individually tailored to the needs of each patient and can vary depending on the severity of the CMD.

What is the aim of treating cranio-mandibular dysfunction and what are the chances of success of the therapy?

Specialised treatment of CMD is necessary because untreated TMJ problems can lead to considerable health impairments. The main aim of the treatment is to eliminate or alleviate pain and discomfort and to restore the normal function of the temporomandibular joint.

The chances of success of the therapy depend on various factors, including the severity of the CMD, compliance with the recommended therapy and the patient’s individual response to the treatment. In most cases, we can achieve significant improvements with an appropriate diagnosis and individual, well-coordinated therapy. It is also important to follow the orthodontist’s instructions exactly and to attend regular follow-up examinations.

Our specialist orthodontic practice has the expertise and experience to provide the best possible care for patients with CMD. If you have symptoms of TMJ problems or would like more information on functional diagnostics and therapy for CMD, we will be happy to help you. Your well-being is our top priority and we work closely with you to find a personalised treatment solution.

Your therapy options

The sports mouthguard is an indispensable companion for sports with a high risk of injury in the mouth area.
Gap maintainers are important during the development of the dentition in order to secure the space for growing teeth.
Minipins are small screws that are screwed into the jawbone and serve as temporary anchoring points.
In addition to removable elastics, we offer so-called non-compliance devices to increase the efficiency of treatment.
Retainers are used to hold the teeth in the desired position after treatment with braces.
Lingual braces are invisible, fixed braces that are attached to the inside of the teeth.
Removable braces are versatile, comfortable and suitable for different age groups.
Bite splints are used to prevent overloading of the teeth and treat diseases of the masticatory system.
Custom-made snoring splints effectively reduce snoring and thus improve the quality of sleep.
Aligners are thin plastic aligners and an almost invisible alternative to conventional braces.

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